Kawaga Spectacular
Ten college teams compete in a three-day event of sports, including track, field, and swimming, culminating in the highly-anticipated Song and Skit competition. The winning team earns the right to hoist the plaque in the mess hall, making it a thrilling and unforgettable experience for all involved.
Kawaga Blue/Gold Cup
The final competition of each summer, the blue gold cup combines athletics, intense problem solving and teamwork. The winning team will hoist the cup and await a rematch the following August.

Kawaga Sailing Regatta
A friendly sailing regatta hosted on Lake Kawaguesaga testing strategy and a deep understanding of the surrounding environment. Each camp brings their own boats and enjoys time on the lake and making new friends.
Be yourself. Be your best. Be proud.
Kawaga Ski Tournament
A highlight of each summer where boys and girls camps compete in wakeboarding, slalom skiing and barefooting. Kawaga is proud host to the event every summer.

Kawaga Rackets Invitational
A friendly invitational started in 2023 that includes boys and girls camps from the area for a day of tennis, pickleball, and paddle tennis all on Kawaga’s pristine courts.
Be Kawaga 365
Every summer, we have the pleasure of gathering with some neighboring girls’ camps. It’s a time where some will reunite with sisters, cousins, and friends from home, while we all come together to enjoy dancing, playing games, and building new memories. Evenings where we can connect with old and make new friends, share stories, and create lasting bonds.

A number of different times throughout the summer we compete with other boys camp in the area. A chance to unify as Kawaga brings us together even closer.