Day in Review 7/31/2017
Pick em’ up, put em’ down, and move em’ out, it’s another beautiful day at Camp Kawaga, a super long late sleep was welcomed by all after last night Midnight Movie. The campers then signed up for the final week of clubs, including a much anticipated, Mystery Club for the CIT’s! There was then a short period of Open A’s before a delicious lunch. After, Seniors went to Camp Timberlane and Juniors from Timberlane came over for a competition, where campers competed in; Soccer, Tennis, Softball and Basketball. The competition was fierce, but the Braves fought hard to a great success winning the overall competition. A delicious dinner then led into tonight’s EP, Counselor Hunt. In which, counselors had to hide around camp dressed as characters from the Mario Brothers each being worth a different amount of Kawaga Cash, with the goal being to find as many counselors as possible.